The Six Bladed Log Star Counter Sink bit chamfers the outside edge of the mortis (hole) used in mortis and tenon joinery. The purpose of counter sinking the mortis is to conceal the tenon and the tenon shoulder. Any mortis (hole) produced between 1/2" - 2 1/2" diameter may be counter sank, it is not necessary to purchase additional guides. The chamfer edge produced is 55 degrees, will also work on 45 and 60 degree tenons. A belt sander, hand file or sharpening stone may be used to sharpen the bit. The Log Star counter sink bit is powered by any 1/2" variable speed electric or cordless hand drill with a side handle. Table mounted drill press may be used as well.
The Log Star is not a drill bit, it is used to chamfer (counter sink) the edge of the hole (mortis) after drilling with a forstner bit or hole saw.
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